I am the process. Part 2

I am the process that's been built using a bit of clever psychology and behaviour analysis to make sure that, 
  • I scare off those speakers who know their content doesn't stack up to the value they charge. 
  • I scare off those speakers who want to take fees up front and have no intention of paying back if something goes wrong
  • I scare off those speakers who are afraid of being Reviewed
  • I upset those speakers who prefer taking and keeping 'non-refundable deposits'
  • I upset those speakers who bluff about their credibility
  • I upset those speakers who rely on testimonials from 20 years ago
  • I stop those speakers from being searchable if they don't know who their audience are
  • I stop those speakers from being searchable if they don't know their topic
  • I stop those speakers who can't be bothered or don't have the basics to fill out a profile!
  • I stop and scare away those speakers who want to use their own unfair Terms of Conditions
  • I stop bureaus registering speakers who they are not exclusively managing
  • I upset those bureaus who are purely middlemen and have no exclusives
  • I upset those bureaus who are charging their clients over the top commission fees
  • I upset those bureaus who are using smoke and mirrors to cover up how they truly work
In short, I've levelled the playing field for finding and working with speakers so that if they can get through my process no matter if they have a day job or use speaking for a living, they are probably one of the genuine, nothing to hide, knowledgeable about their topic and truly appreciate the value they are bringing to your event, speakers.

However, even this group can have the 'Bluffer' - the one that can tell you everything you want to hear until they get on stage and in front of an audience, the bluff is uncovered!  So I've been designed to find these too.  They show themselves up by asking the client to 'take the business off site and go direct'.  Why would any speaker be afraid of you completing the booking through my process unless they know there is a problem they don't want you to find out?  Why would they not want you to use Terms & Conditions that cover both parties and use the Escrow system for funds which again protects both parties?  Unless they have something to hide....

So far, clients who have sent speakers to go through my process have seen 60% of them fail to make it through. That means 6 out of every 10 speakers they've considered have deselected themselves along the way and usually it's the 60% that would have caused an issue or unnecessary stress or dissatisfaction.

I was created from start to finish to flush out and discourage those who have something to hide. 60% of speakers have something to hide and they are hiding in plain site and on your stage!

Those that you can see and search in my Speaker Directory and want to use my process through to being Reviewed are those 40%'er's who have nothing to hide, who have content and who know the value they bring to your audience. These are the people you need to have on your stage and these are the people who you need to work with. 

Use me from start to finish to de-risk working with speakers as your process and grow a stronger event with speakers you know you can trust.

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