Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Four Critical Questions You Must Answer If You Want To Hire the Right Speaker

It can be quite Herculean to surf through the web to get the vital details you need in order to hire a Speaker. The dynamics of effective marketing, PR presentations and social media presence does not necessarily make an individual the ideal speaker at your event. The only way to ensure that you do not settle for mediocre performance at your event is to do your research. One of the ways to get the best results is to get honest answers for some of the questions that will be addressed below. In a sense, getting the right Speaker for your program is not complex if you know how to navigate the tides.

Four Questions you must answer;

1) Is the person someone who speaks for a fee at an occasion or is he a professional speaker?
This question may seem obvious to those who are trying to turn on the lights in their event planning career but it is deeper than you think. Both scenarios are ideal depending on the dynamics of your event. If you are low on budget but want to have a great speaker, you may not be able to handle the costs and logistics that go with a professional speaker. You can settle for someone who will strike the right chord in the heart of your audience without over-shooting your budget.

2) Does the Speaker adhere to a professional code of ethics?
It may be difficult to pin down a standalone speaker who manages his itinerary in this range. Most Speakers do not necessarily operate with rules because they do not belong to a professional body or association. This can prove to be a knotty issue if the speaker derails from the focus of your event when he is called to address the audience. It is Ok to stick with a Speaker if you have done your homework but it is better to run with a Speaker that adheres to a professional code of ethics.

3) How easy is the speaker to work with?
You do not want to have a ‘’great’’ Speaker who makes your event planning tedious. There are so many stories about speakers who make extreme demands that may scuttle the success of the event if it is not properly handled. You can stay clear from this dilemma by booking speakers from a certified platform. This gives you the opportunity to have good knowledge about the speaker and the things you should expect at your event.

4) What impact will this Speaker have on your attendees long after the presentation is over?
The essence of organizing an event is to bring value to everyone who attends the program. You may have the right concepts, designs and marketing prowess but it all comes down to the performance of the speaker. It is important to connect with someone who has the requisite knowledge, charisma and ability to deliver if you truly want to have a successful event.

The safe rule is that you can book speakers only when you have done a thorough research and you have a process in place detailing how you are going to work with the speakers.  Not all speakers will want to use your process which is great because you only want those who do and will suit your event.

iwantaspeaker.com is based on the same process as used by the professional bureaus to engage their speakers on behalf of their clients.  iwantaspeaker is opening this process to anyone who books and works with speakers, providing everyone a professional standard when working with paid speakers as well as Speakers on Pro Bono.  

The iwantaspeaker.com process ensures Speakers who have the right experience needed for the audience are quickly highlighted while those Speakers who do not have the experience required or are unwilling to be Reviewed afterwards.  Giving a perfect process for contracting and working together. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

How can you stop worrying about a speaker not showing up?

So you’ve put your life on hold for the last 6 weeks while you’ve been busy finalising the event details: going to the venue, checking and rechecking the room layout, ensuring all AV equipment is at hand and working and updating your list of back up AV suppliers, make final decisions and agree sign offs, check the speakers have sent their material in and it’s on appropriate slides…  oh wait… hang on…   You …are…. Kidding!!!

The speaker isn’t coming?  What do you mean they are not coming?

Rather unprofessional of them isn’t it!

For the last umpteen months, you’ve been plastering their name all across your event, raising their profile, marketing their topic and advertising their name to their ideal audience only to have all this hard work and effort undone.  Let alone the cost and time and effort of yourself and your team you’ve put in and the stress it’s going to cause to get a replacement and somehow get literature together and inform the audience ahead of the event because there will be someone who was coming specifically to hear that speaker and if you keep quiet and decide to only let everyone know on the day that the speaker isn’t going to be there, you just know you’ll get complaints…..

Sounds familiar?

You are not alone.  Considering how many events are ran each year and how many speakers there are out there, this does happen.  Sometimes during the beginning of planning before too much time and cost has been sank into promoting them attending your event, while on other occasions, you only hear from them on the day that they can’t make it.

It’s times like this you wish you had a crystal ball or possibly heard from others that the speaker was likely to do this so you could have planned in advance or not even bothered with them in the first place.

There should be at least somewhere a professional standard for speakers and then know if they are willing to stand by it or not.

So we looked around because we too have experienced this and we thought it was about time someone found a way to figure out how you could predict if you are going to be given the run around or have a professional service from the speakers…   we discovered not all the speaker bureaus and agents were honest about who they exactly manage and not all the speakers showed all their testimonials on their website. 

We realised there isn’t even a quantified standard for being a speaker or even booking them!

So… we built one: iwantaspeaker.com

iwantaspeaker.com is the only online Speaker Management software tool that gives you early indications about a speaker’s level of professionalism. 

It is a process that only those speakers who have a minimum standard of experience or expertise in their subject would be able to get through as well as giving you a perfect process for contracting them. 

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